urls ---- - javascript: datepicker - http://www.eyecon.ro/bootstrap-datepicker - file upload/storage: carrierwave - https://github.com/jnicklas/carrierwave - authorization: pundit - https://github.com/elabs/pundit icons ----- - made an icon font at https://icomoon.io with the icomoon icons (day and night are from the entypo set) day <span class="icon-day"></span><br> night <span class="icon-night"></span><br> edit <span class="icon-edit"></span><br> gallery <span class="icon-gallery"></span><br> camera <span class="icon-camera"></span><br> download <span class="icon-download"></span><br> comments <span class="icon-comment"></span><br> exif <span class="icon-exif"></span><br> delete <span class="icon-bin"></span><br> views <span class="icon-view"></span><br> next <span class="icon-next"></span><br> previous <span class="icon-previous"></span><br> 2017 ---- - nov 30 - search by gallery tags - nov 30 - add tags to galleries x nov 1 - highlight active thumbnail x nov 1 - default photo mess x oct 31 - fix placement of upload button x oct 31 - change cancel button to link and go back x oct 31 - add loading overlay on photos that have started to upload x oct 31 - focus email input on login x oct 31 - add error overlay on photos that failed to upload x oct 31 - add sharing url for private galleries x oct 31 - prevent google analytics hits in development x oct 30 - make a route for sharing private galleries x oct 30 - create a branch that adds one photo at a time x oct 29 - reduce log level in production x oct 29 - add google analytics x oct 29 - deal with rotated photos x oct 29 - add space at bottom so footer doesn't cover stuff up x oct 29 - change order of thumbnails in gallery view to match sequence or asc ids x oct 29 - icons not showing in production x oct 26 - add existing photos (thumbnails) to add photos form - oct 26 - add google adds x oct 26 - add delete icon - oct 18 - file name field on add photos action is being ignored (original_filename from the temp file is being used). how should it be used? x oct 18 - add progress bar for add photos action x oct 18 - fix date picker x oct 17 - adjust rubocop rules for line length, class comments, ignore schema.rb x oct 17 - rubocop ignore schema.rb x oct 17 - add keyboard shortcuts to go forward and backward through a gallery - oct 17 - update tests x oct 17 - add rubocop - oct 17 - gallery edit needs submit button for existing photo changes form. style bulk edit btn if it's staying - oct 17 - photos form partial needs to use form helpers x oct 17 - create new gallery not showing add photos form (js request failing) x oct 17 - don't fail the home page with galleries with no default photo x oct 14 - re-enable icons and change tools dropdown to icon links x oct 13 - fix spacing of gallery title - oct 13 - can't dismiss comment modal after adding comment x oct 13 - make default photo a foreign key on gallery object x oct 13 - re-enable search results for gallery search 2013 ---- - ~~Feb 7 - fix abilities for other users to create galleries~~ - ~~Feb 7 - stick footer to bottom of page~~ - Feb 7 - add button to manage photos from a gallery page - ~~Feb 7 - make a slate bootstrap theme~~ - Feb 6 - add inline editing for captions - Feb 6 - look into fading in the new photo when transitioning - Feb 6 - add previous/next links between caption and tools - ~~ Feb 6 - re-upload galleries 20121230 and 20111006 for missing exif data~~ - ~~ Feb 6 - remove gallerific~~ - ~~Feb 4 - fix height of image container for vertical images~~ - ~~Feb 4 - make only 2 rows of thumbnails~~ - ~~Feb 4 - get gallery_on calendar working - changed to bootstrap-datepicker~~ - ~~Feb 4 - views increment is not working~~ - ~~Feb 4 - default caption and artist on photo create~~ - ~~Feb 3 - get google adds working~~ - Feb 3 - find out why exif info is not being added (galleries 20121230 and 20111006 have no exif info) - ~~Feb 3 - add 20130113 and 20121208 galleries to db (the files are already on s3)~~ - ~~Feb 3 - deal with galleries with missing photos (20101205: 20100828_66.jpg, 20100430: 20100426_37.jpg, 20100428_4.jpg, 20091003: 20090816_57.jpg)~~ - ~~Feb 1 - fix padding on footer when not logged in~~ - ~~Feb 1 - keep 'my galleries' on search results page~~ - ~~Feb 1 - paginate search results and my galleries~~ - ~~Feb 1 - change carrierwave storage based on environment~~ - ~~Feb 1 - upload square thumbnails~~ - ~~Jan 25 - add default photo thumbnails for galleries~~ - ~~Jan 19 - make the views increment on each showing of a photo~~ - ~~Jan 18 - show a list of private galleries when the user logs in~~ - ~~Jan 18 - move tools (download, comments, exif) above photo~~ - ~~Jan 18 - put tools into a dropdown or button group~~ - Jan 18 - add popover comment form to the add button on the comment dialog - ~~Jan 18 - clear float below thumbnails so pagination links are always all the way left~~ - ~~Jan 18 - find a method to produce square thumbnails~~ - ~~Jan 18 - get searching working for name and private key~~ - ~~Jan 18 - fix or remove the sorting control~~ - ~~Jan 18 - find a way to associate private galleries with a user~~ 2010 ---- - Dec 14 - add most popular galleries - Dec 14 - fix galley ordering - ~~Dec 14 - look into highslide or some other gallery js framework. Jan 2012 - using gallerific~~ - Nov 10 - replace prototype inline editing with jquery - Nov 10 - replace prototype show photo link with jquery - Nov 10 - rebuild and upload standard test data and upload to raceweb-photo-development aws s3 bucket - ~~Nov 07 - replace prototype with jquery - Nov 08~~ - ~~Nov 01 - move to heroku bamboo stack - Nov 01~~