
Primary LanguageRuby


Make sure that you have the correct version of Ruby, 2.4.1, and a recent version of Bundler installed. Then run the bundle command to install the necessary gems.

Command Line App

The CLI tools interface is documented and can be accessed by running ./bin/record_sort --help if you are in the root of the project directory.

It can also be invoked directly against the sample files using the below commands:

  • ./bin/record_sort spec/samples/space_delimited.txt
  • ./bin/record_sort spec/samples/pipe_delimited.txt --sortby "last_name,first_name"
  • ./bin/record_sort spec/samples/comma_delimited.txt --sortby "date_of_birth" --order ASC


Start the web server by running bundle exec ruby app.rb. It will tell you what port it is listening on after it starts, normally this defaults to 4567. The endpoints as described in the specifications will be availible at that port on your localhost.