
Spring Shell CLI

Primary LanguageJava


Just a basic CLI in Java using Spring Shell.

how to run

gradle build
# gradle bootRun works, but garbles input
java -jar build/libs/java-cli-0.1.0.jar

When inside the shell (shell:>) you can try out greet or use help to see commands.

project structure

Bootstrap.class just using Spring Boot to give a main for Spring Shell to plug into, and does the ComponentScan necessary to inject our Greeter.class into HelloWorld.class. HelloWorld.class is where the actual ShellComponent lives that defines the greet command.

├── build
│   ├── classes
│   │   └── java
│   │       └── main
│   │           └── hello
│   │               ├── Bootstrap.class
│   │               ├── Greeter.class
│   │               └── HelloWorld.class
│   ├── libs
│   │   └── java-cli-0.1.0.jar
│   ├── reports
│   │   └── checkstyle
│   │       ├── main.html
│   │       └── main.xml
│   └── tmp
│       ├── bootJar
│       │   └── MANIFEST.MF
│       └── compileJava
├── build.gradle
├── config
│   └── checkstyle
│       └── checkstyle.xml
├── README.md
├── spring-shell.log
└── src
    └── main
        └── java
            └── hello
                ├── Bootstrap.java
                ├── Greeter.java
                └── HelloWorld.java

17 directories, 14 files