
Ruby bindings for Z3 constraint solver library

Primary LanguageRuby

This is Ruby interface for Z3 [ https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3 ].

It's in extremely early stages of development. Pull requests always welcome.


Z3::VeryLowLever / Z3::LowLevel are low level FFI interface, and they shouldn't be used directly.

The rest of Z3 is high level API, but the interface is extremely unstable at this point, and it's pretty much guaranteed to change many times. Check specs or examples/ directory for usage.

You can use most Ruby operators to construct Z3 expressions, but use ~ | & instead of ! || && for boolean operators. They unfortunately have wrong operator precedence so you'll need to use some extra parentheses.

As for API internals, attributes starting with _ are FFI internals you shouldn't touch, other attributes are generally legitimate Ruby objects.

Bit vectors are treated as signed by default. [well, mostly, more systematic treatment of this is on TODO list]


To use it, you'll need to install z3. On OSX that would be:

brew install z3

On other systems use appropriate package manager.

Known Bugs

Ruby API tries to catch the most common mistakes, but if you use API in a weird way you can get C crash instead of nice Ruby exception.

Memory will leak a good deal. Generally avoid in long running processes.

Python versions

Most of example solvers have Python versions available from https://github.com/taw/puzzle-solvers