
Holiday simulator with communication over named pipe to integrate with IoTAS

Primary LanguagePython

simpype - Holiday simulator and visualizer

Since Holiday by MooresCloud is in very short supply (only two exist in the whole world), we've written a simulator to help speed your way into programming great apps for it.

Simpype provides all the pieces needed to run an HTML5, browser-based simulator.

When it starts up, it launches a web server (using the wonderful CherryPy) that listens at (which means it listens to all ports, from localhost, to whatever external interfaces may be attached).

At the same time, simpype instances a named pipe (FIFO) at ~/pipelights.fifo. This is the pipe that any process can use to talk to the simulator. In the general case, IoTAS will use that FIFO when it renders something to a simulated Holiday -- but any program can use it.

We'll document the data format for the simulator another time -- peek at the code, it's not hard.

Invoke as: python simpype.py

simpype will run in the foreground. To exit, send the process a Control-C.

Good luck!