
Visual C#/C++/J# 2005 Usage Unlimited

Primary LanguageC#


Visual C#/C++/J# 2005/2008 Express Edition Usage Unlimited

Visual C#/C++/J# 2005 Express Edition is a lightweigth IDE for .net programmers, and it's my favorite IDE for that days. As time pass by, Microsoft will do nothing with these editions, and 30 days limitation will be the biggest problem for all lovers.

this veloader is a simple loader which strips the limitation and registration before use it;

Usage : C:\PATH_TO_VELoader.exe ProgramName Version ,

Visual C#/C++/Basic/J#/WebDevloper 2005 Express Edition Shortcut Command

C:\PATH_TO_VELoader.exe VCSExpress 8.0

C:\PATH_TO_VELoader.exe  VCExpress 8.0

C:\PATH_TO_VELoader.exe  VBExpress 8.0

C:\PATH_TO_VELoader.exe  VJSExpress 8.0

C:\PATH_TO_VELoader.exe  VWDExpress 8.0

if use Visual C#/C++ 2008 , Please change version to 9.0