Slack Bot Using flask

This is a simple bot for making webhook endpoints to avoid integations.

Currently Supported

endpoint /send

Supports the following objects, to be posted using a json. You can set override the channel by specifying it before declaring events or a message.

Event: (Slack Attachment Api)

Supports sending multiple events at once. Supports any values that can been found in the attachment documentation for slack. Reference here Api Doc

"event": [{
	"title": "Multiple Event Testing Event 1",
	"fields": [{
		"title": "Defcon",
		"value": "Double Take"
	"color": "green"
}, {
	"title": "Multiple Event testing, Event 2",
	"fields": [{
		"title": "Defcon",
		"value": "Double Take"
	}, {
		"title": "Second field",
		"short": true,
		"value": "this is a super long field value"
	"color": "danger"
"token": "ghYHapu1yZ9PfK"

Message: (Simple message)

If you added the following to your json object on a message "hipchat":{ "rooms": ['roomnumber'] } It will message each of those rooms as the API key person. If you want notification style messages you can do this: "hipchat":{ "rooms": ['roomnumber'], "notify":{ "color":"green" } }```

	"message": "test message again",
	"token": "ghYHapu1yZ9PfK"

By default it will send messages to #general in slack. Unless you add 'channel':'#slackchannelname'

Calls will return a json object. That will contain ok set to True or False depending is the message send failed or was successful. Also will contian a message attribute with a message for logging.


Simple Slack only:

	"message": "@flu give bottle of (rum) or i'll take your soul ", 
	'channel': "#rockemsockemrobots ", 
	"token": "g123qdinlkdho2"

Slack and Hipchat:

	"message": "@flu give bottle of (rum) or i'll take your soul ", 
	'channel': "#rockemsockemrobots ", 
	"hipchat ": {
		"rooms": ['672359'],
		"notify": {
			"color": "green"
	"token": "g123qdinlkdho2"

Slack Event:

	"event": [{
		"title": "Multiple Event Testing Event 1",
		"priority": "Defcon",
		"value": "Double Take",
		"color": "good"
	}, {
		"title": "Multiple Event testing, Event 2",
		"priority": "Defcon",
		"value": "this is a extra long description. Blah blah balh blah.",
		"short": True,
		"color": "danger"
	"token": "g123qdinlkdho2"