
Playing with cells and graphics (similar to Conway's Game of Life)

Primary LanguageOdin


Experiments with the Odin language and cells. Think Conway's Game Of Live, but without the set rules, with my own rules and fun instead.



Cells are initially spawned randomly using a weighted random function (should be tweakable at some point).

Cells with adjacent neighbours have their health increased, or stable. Cells without will have their health affected negatively, and once Dead will no longer be rendered.

Currently, cells spread like bacteria a bit. Some do die by chance, but eventually, they will take over.

Some Ideas

  • Sudden but temporary "dead zones", where a radious of cells is killed off and cannot be populated for a while.
  • "learning", so they know to avoid certain zones
  • Clusters of a certain size start to decay? Need to check more than nearest neighbours. Maybe something like each cell has a "cluster_size".


  • Compress multiple j, i loops into a single loop
  • Display frames per second and frame render times