
Simple Elixir Phoenix app containerised to deploy to Cloud Run

Primary LanguageElixir

Hello Elixir

Simple test Phoenix app to deploy in a container.


Google Cloud

You will need the following:

Google Cloud account Billing setup on Google Cloud account Enable Cloud Run API Enable Google Container Registry (GCR) API


In this example our Agent will be running on our local machine (super low cost). To do this, set up a local agent with Buildkite

Agent requirements:

Bash Docker gcloud CLI

Firstly login to your Google Cloud account with the gcloud CLI gcloud auth login

First configure docker to use the gcloud command-line tool as a credential helper (only need to run once) gcloud auth configure-docker

Set any Agent environment variables required for build (Mac OS) vim /usr/local/etc/buildkite-agent/hooks/environment Add env vars

export DOCKER_LOGIN_PASSWORD=supersecretpassword
export GCLOUD_PROJECT_ID=project-id
export GCLOUD_SERVICE_NAME=cloud-run-service-name

Start the local agent: buildkite-agent start

Local development

Compile steps

Set environment

Set the project secret

mix phx.gen.secret

Initial setup

mix deps.get --only prod
MIX_ENV=prod mix compile

Compile assets

npm run deploy --prefix ./assets
mix phx.digest

Create release

MIX_ENV=prod mix release

Build image

  • docker build -t elixir-container .

Run the app in the container

docker run --publish 4000:4000 --env COOL_TEXT='ELIXIR ROCKS!!!!' --env SECRET_KEY_BASE=SECRET_KEY_BASE --env APP_PORT=4000 elixir-container:latest

CI/CD Process

  • Push to Github
  • -> Run tests with BuildKite
  • -> Build Docker Image in BuildKite
  • -> Push image to Google Cloud Run
  • -> Run image deployment from GCR to Cloud Run


  • Secure deployment from GCR to Cloud Run rather than an --allow-unauthenticated
  • Split this into steps within a bash/make script
  • Get runtime env vars working

Elixir Dockerfile Reference



MIT Licensed. Use all you like at your own risky fun. Go nuts.

Happy coding λ