
A graphics engine written in C

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Groei - A Graphics Engine in C

This is a simpe graphics engine that uses GLFW for window management and Vulkan for rendering to that window. Potentially I'll add OpenGL support too.

This is a learning exercise in bringing together the maths to render models onto a screen.

It may turn into something more, but for now, it's just that.

You want to run it?

If you are kinda adventurous, and would like to see it in action, you'll need the following:

  • GLFW
  • Vulkan
  • Vulkan SDK
  • GCC - though Clang or MSVC should be fine but you'd need to update the build script.
  • CGLM - cglm because I'm using Linux, but GLM would be fine on another OS.
  • OpenGL


I'm building this on a Linux machine with a Ubuntu-like distro (I don't use Arch, by the way), your setup may be quite different. For starters, you may want to swap build for a build.bat. I'm not The Batman.