
The mooz repo


My attempts at building RPM packages for programs I need. Hopefully they are of use to others.

Using this repository assumes that you are also using the EPEL repo.

Repository highlights

Kodi requires the ffmpeg package which I cannot host at the moment. Consider enabling the epel-multimedia repository in this case.

The openrazer driver has known problems with the stock CentOS kernel. In order for the driver to function properly on the stock kernel a workaround must be put in place (see #3). However, installing the latest kernel-ml package from Elrepo is another easier option if you're not interested in setting any workarounds.


CentOS / EL7

sudo yum -y install yum-utils

sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/moozhub/yum-repo-mooz/master/elmooz.repo

Install packages

sudo yum install signal-desktop