
Various payment provider APIs for Lua (and OpenResty): Stripe, PayPal

Primary LanguageMoonScript

Lua Payments

Bindings to various payment provider APIs for use in Lua (with OpenResty or anything that supports LuaSocket)

The following APIs are supported:

  • Stripe
  • PayPal Express Checkout
  • PayPal Adaptive Payments
  • PayPal REST


PayPal Express Checkout

Create the API client:

local paypal = require("payments.paypal")

local client = paypal.PayPalExpressCheckout({
  sandbox = true,
  auth = {
    USER = "me_1212121.leafo.net",
    PWD = "123456789",

Create a new purchase page:

local res = assert(client:set_express_checkout({
  returnurl: "http://leafo.net/success"
  cancelurl: "http://leafo.net/cancel"
  brandname: "Purchase something"
  paymentrequest_0_amt: "$5.99"

-- redirect the buyer to the payment page:

PayPal Adaptive Payments

Create the API client:

local paypal = require("payments.paypal")

local client = paypal.PayPalAdaptive({
  sandbox = true,
  application_id = "APP-1234HELLOWORLD",
  auth = {
    USER = "me_1212121.leafo.net",
    PWD = "123456789",

Create a new purchase page:

local res = assert(client:pay({
  cancelUrl = "http://leafo.net/cancel",
  returnUrl = "http://leafo.net/return",
  currencyCode = "EUR",
  receivers = {
      email = "me@example.com",
      amount = "5.50",
      primary = true,
      email = "you@example.com",
      amount = "1.50",

-- configure the checkout page
assert(client:set_payment_options(res.payKey, {
  ["displayOptions.businessName"] = "My adaptive store front"

-- redirect the buyer to the payment page:

-- after completion, you can check the payment status
local details = assert(client:payment_details(res.payKey))

PayPal Rest API

Create the API client:

local paypal = require("payments.paypal")

local client = paypal.PayPalRest({
  sandbox = true,
  client_id = "AVP_0123445",

Fetch some data:

local payments = client:payment_resources()


Create the API client:

local Stripe = require("payments.stripe").Stripe

local client = Stripe({
  client_id = "ca_12345",
  client_secret = "sk_test_helloworld",
  publishable_key = "pk_test_blahblahblahb"

Fetch some data:

-- each resource exposed by Stripe API has a respective list_, get_, and each_
-- method in this library:

local result = client:list_charges()
local result = client:list_accounts({ limit = "100 "})
local result = client:list_disputes({ starting_after = "dsp_12343" })

-- get a single item
local result = client:get_customer("cust_12o323480")

-- iterate through every refund, fetching each page as needed
for refund in client:each_refund() do

Create a charge:

local result, err = client:charge({
  card = "tok_232u302"
  amount = "5.99",
  currency = "USD",
  description = "indie games"

Resouces can be created, updated, and deleted:

local customer = client:create_customer({
  email = "loaf@itch.zone"

client:update_customer(customer.id, {
  account_balance = 23023
