
Not properly attached to GObject main loop

jodal opened this issue · 2 comments

I've seen this issue myself several times, but haven't figured it out yet. Today, it was reported on the Mopidy mailing list by @byrongibson as well:

Not a big deal, I can live without MPRIS, hardly ever use it with other media players anyway. But it's not connecting in my current setup. Any ideas what I can try to get it working?

> uname -a
Linux hp-dm1-4050us 3.2.0-56-generic #86-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 23 09:20:45 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

> mopidy --show-config:
enabled = true
desktop_file = /usr/share/applications/mopidy.desktop

> mopidy
WARNING  MPRIS frontend setup failed (To make asynchronous calls, receive signals or export objects, D-Bus connections must be attached to a main loop by passing mainloop=... to the constructor or calling dbus.set_default_main_loop(...))

PS - forgot to mention, currently I have VLC, Rythmbox, Banshee, Audacious, and Spotify all listed and working in the Ubuntu Sound notification icon.

This should be fixed in Mopidy's develop branch now, which will become Mopidy 0.17 soon.