Mopidy extension for controlling Mopidy through the MPRIS D-Bus interface
- 3
System and session bus are diff why?
#39 opened by tr1xem - 2
Document recommendations for headless setups
#15 opened by jodal - 4
Issues od KDE plasma 5
#36 opened by Nick1296 - 0
- 1
- 3
getting error while trying to control mopidy using playerctl if I wanna play the previous song
#29 opened by eyadsibai - 0
Port mopidy-mpris to Python 3
#27 opened by jodal - 0
- 8
Wrong types for properties
#22 opened by phako - 2
Album art not showing up
#25 opened by FunctionalHacker - 2
- 0
Implement the TrackList interface
#24 opened by jodal - 1
Document system bus permission configuration
#14 opened by jodal - 1
MPRIS frontend setup failed (org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NotSupported: Unable to autolaunch a dbus-daemon without a $DISPLAY for X11)
#20 opened by gerroon - 3
MPRIS frontend setup failed ...
#19 opened by bernd-wechner - 4
Can't connect after upgrading to Mopidy 2.0.1
#18 opened by m0ngr31 - 3
Standalone client
#16 opened by mrueg - 1
Update API usage for compatibility Mopidy 0.17
#1 opened by jodal - 11
MPRIS does not work on Raspbian / Raspberry Pi
#3 opened by olejon - 5
Empty SupportedMimeTypes array
#7 opened by kmiterror - 3
Previous not working
#8 opened by parkerlreed - 4
- 0
- 1
- 6
Plasma 5 panel crashes if playlist is empty
#17 opened by joharei - 4
Setting volume through MPRIS does not work
#4 opened by olejon - 2
Not properly attached to GObject main loop
#2 opened by jodal