
Example how to output generated signals by myself to I2S-amp for ESP32. (Use ESP-IDF and ESP-ADF)

Primary LanguageC

Summary / 概要

This project is an example using ESP-ADF(Audio Development Framework) audio element to output sounds through external I2S-DAC.
To explain audio elements usage, it generate a simple sine wave in an audio element instance, output to I2S writer through audio pipeline.
If you want to do some processing to raw signal datas using ESP-ADF, this might be for reference.

このプログラムはESP-ADF(Audio Development Framework)のaudio element機能を使って外部I2S-DACから音声出力をするサンプルプログラムです。
audio elementの使い方を説明するため、1つのaudio elementの中で単純な正弦波を生成し、audio pipelineを通してI2S_writerへ信号出力しています。

这个程序是一个样本,就是使用audio element功能通过外接I2S-DAC输出声音的。
为了说明audio element功能的用法,在一个audio element功能中产生一个单纯的正弦波, 把这个波形通过audio pipeline输出到I2S-writer。

Required / 必要環境

Hardware / ハード

  • ESP32 board (ESP32-DevKitC, ESP-WROVER-KIT, etc.) or ESP-ADF boards
  • MAX98357A I2S amplifer (If you use ESP-ADF boards, it already has ES8388 codec-chip so no need.)
  • Speaker unit

Sofware / ソフト

Pin Assgin / ピンアサイン

pin name (MAX98357A board print) function gpio_num
WS (LRC) word select (L/R Clock) GPIO_NUM_25
SCK (BCLK) continuous serial clock (Block CLocK) GPIO_NUM_5
SD (DIN) serial data (Data IN) GPIO_NUM_26


Usage / 使用方法

Prepare for dev-env / 環境構築

See Get Started page for install ESP-ADF.
If you don't have installed ESP-IDF v3.3.1, see ESP-IDF v3.3.1 Get Started page to get it.

Example commands(for mac):

# First, need to download https://dl.espressif.com/dl/xtensa-esp32-elf-osx-1.22.0-80-g6c4433a-5.2.0.tar.gz to ~/Downloads
mkdir -p ~/esp
cd ~/esp
tar -xzf ~/Downloads/xtensa-esp32-elf-osx-1.22.0-80-g6c4433a-5.2.0.tar.gz
git clone -b v3.3.1 --recursive https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf.git
git clone --recursive https://github.com/espressif/esp-adf.git

# First, need to set up some Env-variables.
python -m pip install --user -r $IDF_PATH/requirements.txt

Download projects(git clone) / プロジェクトのダウンロード(git clone)

cd ~/esp
git clone https://github.com/moppii-hub/ESPADF_geneSig.git

Flash program / プログラムの書き込み

cd ~/esp/ESPADF_geneSig/
make menuconfig
# For flashing, it is need to setup correct USB-serial port in menuconfig.

make flash