
A player to learn from!

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A player to learn from!

This is an open source music player application to learn and collaborate

Playing List

Tools and Techs:

  • Architecture: MVVM
  • MultiThreading: RxJava , Coroutines
  • Dependency Injection: Dagger2
  • Networking: Retrofit, OkHttp
  • Android Architecture Components: LiveData, ViewModels, WorkManager
  • Misc: Exoplayer
  • Single Activity using Navigation Component
  • We use Repository and UseCase in model layer
  • In presentation layer we use LiveData to bind data to view


  • All the tasks and goals are listed in Trello board: OSS Board
  • Communication and collaboration is happening on Telegram "Feel free to join": Group