
A simple habit tracking iOS app

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


A habit tracking app


This app is the result of my necessities to track my habits and become a happier man. A bunch of other similar apps do already exist, but I've wanted to create something new. Since I've also taken the cs193p classes, this app is the final project for the course.


  • Creation of goals to be tracked (with as many days as the user needs to track)
  • Prompts to ask/remind the user if the activity was executed.
  • Listing and management of each goal.
    • A calendar view will display the days in which the user executed the particular task.
    • How many days are needed to reach the goal.
    • The longest streak for the habit.
  • A today's widget to inform the app about the tasks, if they were executed or not. (TODO)



This project is licensed under the MIT License