
Primary LanguageJavaScript

NFT Collectibles Masterclass project deployed on Ethereum networks


Dapp University NFT Collectibles Masterclass project deployed to Ethereum networks

Technology Stack and Tools

  • Node Version Manager - node version manager
  • ERC721 - ERC721 Token standard (NFTs)
  • Metamask Wallet - Metamask Wallet
  • Yarn - Alternative package manager to NPM
  • Truffle - development framework
  • React - front end framework
  • Redux - state management framework for React
  • Solidity - ethereum smart contract language
  • Ganache - local blockchain development
  • Web3 - library interact with ethereum nodes
  • JavaScript - logic front end and testing smart contracts
  • Infura - connection to ethereum networks
  • Open Zeppelin - smart contract libraries
  • IPFS - peer to peer hypermedia protocol
  • IPFS HTTP - JavaScript HTTP client library for IPFS implementations
Folder / Directory Structure (key folders)
  • NFT Collectibles Masterclass
    • node_modules
    • public
      • index.html
    • src
      • backEnd
        • abis
        • contracts
        • migrations
        • scripts
        • test
      • components
      • images
      • store
      • index.js
      • .env
      • .env.example
      • truffle-config.js
      • yarn.lock

Preconfiguration, Installation and Running project locally

  1. You will need nvm to install specific version node version 14 and above
$ curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.37.2/install.sh | bash
$ source ~/.nvm/nvm.sh

Restart your terminal

  1. Install node v14.16.0
$ nvm install 14.16.0 
$ nvm alias default 14.16.0 
$ nvm use default
  1. Install truffle globally if not installed. Check if installed using
truffle version

If not installed install with below

$ npm install -g truffle
  1. If opting to use ganache-cli vs Ganache GUI, install ganache-cli globally. Note that ganache-cli rus on port 8545 and ganache-gui runs on port 7545 as placced in truffle-config.js. Check if ganache-cli installed first with
ganache-cli --version

If not installed install with below

$ npm install -g ganache-cli
$ ganache-cli

Run ganache-cli in different terminal and keep running when compiling,testing, migrating, running app etc

  1. Install and Run IPFS. Check if ipfs is not installed first with
jsipfs version

If not installed install with below Install IPFS and run it:

$ npm i -g ipfs 
  1. Run IPFS Node in a different terminal and keep running: If you have problems with ipfs connection during running app etc, restart the daemon
$ jsipfs daemon
  1. Install yarn if not installed. Check if installed using
yarn --version

If not installed install with below

$ npm install --global yarn
  1. Enter project directory and install dependancies
$ cd nft_collectibles_masterclass
$ yarn install  

Migrating contracts and Testing Locally to ensure all is working well

  1. To compile contracts e.g you make changes to contracts
$ truffle compile 

Make sure your truffle.js or truffle-config.js file is properly configured for development environment. 2. Migrate contracts to local running instance ganache If using ganache-cli use

$ truffle migrate --reset --network ganache_cli

If using ganache gui use

$ truffle migrate --reset --network ganache_gui
  1. To test contracts
$ truffle test
  1. Interact with locally deployed contracts and excute script to mint tokens. Esnure jsipfs daemon is running inand always running in a seperate terminal

If using ganache-cli use

$ truffle exec src/backEnd/scripts/mint.js --network ganache_cli

If using ganache gui use

$ truffle exec src/backEnd/scripts/mint.js --network ganache_gui
  1. Run app on localhost front-end
  2. Run app locally
$ yarn start

Enter dApp in browser at localhost:3000

Deploying to Ethereum testnets and mainnet

Ensure truffle-config.js is properly confiured for the network you need to deploy to e.e rinkeby, ropsten etc Duplicate the .env.example file and rename it .env. Add the PRIVATE_KEYS as the private key of the Metamask account you will use to deploy. This is the same account you will add testnet ether to. On Metamask click Account Details-> Export Private Key to copy private key. Go to infura.io and create a project and copy the ID into .env as INFURA_ID

  • Note you may want to restart => jsipfs daemon <= before deployign to each of the different networks.
  • Note that you can use --reset when migrating to replace add new deployments e.g truffle migrate --reset --network kovan
  1. Migrate contracts to Ethereum Kovan testnet. You will need Kovan ETH to pay for transactions. Get Kovan ETH into a Metamask account from this Kovan faucet click here. Copy your Metamask address into site and click "Send Me 0.1 Test ETH"
$ truffle migrate  --network kovan

Mint tokens on Kovan network

$ truffle exec src/backEnd/scripts/mint.js --network kovan

You can verify deployment, check transactions etc on https://kovan.etherscan.io/

  1. Migrate contracts to Ethereum Rinkeby testnet. You will need Rinkeby ETH to pay for transactions. Get Rinkeby ETH into a Metamask account from this Rinkeby faucet click here. Copy your Metamask address into site and click "Submit" or this Rinkey Faucet here which is prone to not working at times. Alternatively reach out to us on Slack for some Rinkeby ETH.
$ truffle migrate --network rinkeby

Mint tokens on Kovan network

$ truffle exec src/backEnd/scripts/mint.js --network rinkeby

You can verify deployment, check transactions etc on https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/

  1. Migrate contracts to Ethereum Ropsten testnet. You will need Ropsten ETH to pay for transactions.

You may get Ropsten ETH through below faucets: https://faucet.metamask.io/ https://faucet.ropsten.be/ https://faucet.dimensions.network/

$ truffle migrate --network ropsten

Mint tokens on Ropsten network

$ truffle exec src/backEnd/scripts/mint.js --network ropsten

You can verify deployment, check transactions etc on https://ropsten.etherscan.io/

  1. Migrate contracts to Ethereum Mainnet. You will need real value ETH in the account. You can buy from exchanges or on Metamask Buy services.
$ truffle migrate --network main

Mint tokens on Mainnet network

$ truffle exec src/backEnd/scripts/mint.js --network main

you can verify deployment, check transactions etc on https://etherscan.io/

Optional publish front end to Surge

  1. Run build and enter build directory
$ yarn run build
$ cd build
  1. Install surge globally:
$ npm i -g surge

"You may need to Login to surge and create account with email address and a password first time.
If you forgot password you can ask for reset on terminal and get password reset link in your email." Select a unique domain name for your project e.g .surge.sh e.g asdfjkl.surge.sh where my name of choice is asdfjkl

  1. Deploy to surge.
$ surge --domain asdfjkl.surge.sh

...and follow the instructions

Optional publish on IPFS

  1. Build app
$ yarn run build
  1. Publish on IPFS
$ jsipfs add -r build
  1. Copy the latest generated hash and paste into the place of hash below: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/hash For the first time may take a while to load dApp Create Human readable link Use this site