This is an unofficial experimental build of AWS CLI v2 for Arch Linux and Docker. A Docker image can be downloaded from Docker Hub.
Running under Docker on Linux
Set up a shell alias similar to this one:
alias docker-aws2="docker run\
-v \$HOME/.aws:/srv/.aws\
-v /etc/group:/etc/group:ro\
-v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro\
-u=\$(id -u):\$(id -g)\
-e HOME=/srv\
--name aws-cli-v2\
You can now run docker-aws2
commands. Try docker-aws2 help
Testing has been minimal, but the sso login
and help
commands work. Using AWS SSO and aws2-wrap with Terraform works.
Using with Terraform and aws2-wrap
to AWS SSO with docker-aws2 sso login --profile=TerraformRoleName
Prefix terraform
with the aws2-wrap
Example session
➜ docker-aws2 sso login --profile=TerraformRoleName
Attempting to automatically open the SSO authorization page in your default browser.
If the browser does not open or you wish to use a different device to authorize this request, open the following URL:
Then enter the code:
Successully logged into Start URL:
Terraform on develop [$?] took 41s
➜ pipenv run aws2-wrap --profile TerraformRoleName --exec "terraform plan -out=My.plan" | sed 's/\\n/\n/g' | sed 's/\\"/\"/g'
Refreshing Terraform state in-memory prior to plan...
The refreshed state will be used to calculate this plan, but will not be
persisted to local or remote state storage.