
Browse and annotate a Git repository

Primary LanguageRuby

Git Browser


In order to fully install gitbrowser :

  • bundle update

  • rake db:migrate

  • rake assets:precompile

    or if installing in a different root :

    RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT=/browse bundle exec rake assets:precompile

In production environment, one must also :

  • Install a correct key in config/secrets.yml

Finally :

  • ./script/rails server

About Jstree

The jstree installation requires the gem to be installed, but sometimes it fails to correctly substitute the lines in the SCSS files. The procedure to get the correct SCSS lines is indicated in the Jstree page :

cd 'vendor/bundle/path/to/jstree-rails-4-version'
ruby -r './lib/jstree-rails-4/source_file.rb' -e 'SourceFile.new.fetch'
ruby -r './lib/jstree-rails-4/source_file.rb' -e 'SourceFile.new.convert'

The step about fetching the files may not be necessary. Normally, the SCSS files should contain links to "throbber.gif" surrounded by "image-url".