
Add citation support to kramdown

Primary LanguageRuby


This gem extends the default kramdown parser to support citation a la pandoc. Citations are rendered by citeproc-ruby. Currently only BibTeX input is supported.

LaTeX output expect the natbib package in the template.


Add this line to your application Gemfile:

gem `kramdown-cite`

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install kramdown-cite


Whithin ruby

Just import the Gem and use kramdown normally.

require 'kramdown-cite'

Whithin nanoc

An helper is provided to use kramdown-cite instead of classic kramdown in the helper directory. Drop this helper in your <site>/helper directory and voilĂ .

Withing the command line

The Gem provide a kramdown-cite executable. Otherwise add (or replace) kramdown-cite in the require section of kramdown.


Currently only two options are available:

bib : This option allows to override the default bibliography file.

csl : This option allows to override the default csl file.

Passing this options to kramdown depends on the context usage :

command line : --option value

plain ruby : Kramdown::Document.new(content, :option => value).to_html

nanoc : options are normal attributes (activation within a document, through a document meta-data file, or inside nanoc.yaml)


Syntax is currently a small subset of pandoc and exists in two flavor.

inline citation : @citationkey Parenthesis citation : [@citation] or [@citation1;@citation2]

Known issuses

  • Currently kramdown-cite is not really resilient to bad usage.
  • Citation syntax is only limited to basic forms
  • citeproc-ruby does not render well multiple citation
  • Html output is not perfect


  1. Fork
  2. Create a topic branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


I don't really fu**ing mind about license, thus I use the kramdown's one (i.e., I guess MIT). But honestly I don't mind, use it if you like it, claim that's yours, change it ... or don't. Life is too short to fight for useless things.