This is monorepo and php-profiler is split into two packages. One package php-profiler is used to profile PHP code and does not include any external dependencies and support legacy PHP versions (7.2+).

The other package php-profiler-cli is used to analyse profiler data created by php-profiler package. Because analyse process does not run on production env this library requires external dependencies and might require modern PHP version.

Analysing saved profiler data

  1. Fetch from server your file with serialized profiler data.
  2. Clone this repository and go to directory ./packages/php-profiler-cli and edit composer.json
    "name": "mmo/php-profiler-cli",
    # ...
    "repositories": [
            "type": "path",
            "url": "../php-profiler"
    "minimum-stability": "dev"
  1. Install dependencies - composer install. You had to edit composer.json because at this moment these packages are not published.
  2. Call command parse-profiler-data to convert data to SQL queries for SQLite - ./php-profiler-cli parse-profiler-data /path/to/saved/profiler/data | sqlite3 profiler.db
  3. Open profiler.db in sqlitebrowser or other client e.g. PHPStorm.
  4. Use SQL to select/filter stored data and export them to CSV/TSV for better analyse in for example LibreOffice Calc.

Useful SQL queries

SELECT MIN, MAX, AVG, total duration, number of probes:

SELECT MIN(duration) as min, MAX(duration) as max, AVG(duration) as avg, SUM(duration) as total_duration, count(1) as number_of_probes
FROM profiler 
WHERE depth = 0;

Filter rows which has a field userID with value 123 in metadata:

SELECT * FROM profiler WHERE json_extract(metadata, '$.userID') = 123;

Convert duration to INT

SELECT *, CAST(ROUND(duration, 0) as INT) duration_ms_int FROM profiler;

Useful LibreOffice Calc functions

⚠️ Warning To use english function names you need mark a checkbox Use English function names.

From "Tools" menu, select "Options". In showed dialog from left menu expand item "LibreOffice Calc" and then select "Formula" item. On the right check the checkbox "Use English function names"

Use English function names in LibreOffice Calc



Flame Graph

This repo contains a fantastic external script to generate flame graph.

./php-profiler-cli create-flame-graph /path/to/saved/profiler/data /output/direcotry/for/svg/files

flame graph

SQL matrix

The "sql-matrix" command generates an SQL query that, for each samples with depth=1, represents each sample as a column. The share of a given sample in the full execution time is also calculated.

./php-profiler-cli sql-matrix /path/to/saved/profiler/data
