
A collection of scripts and puppet manifests intended to facilitate development on aeolus-related projects

Primary LanguagePuppet

Aeolus dev-tools

Use bootstrap.sh to setup a devolpment environment for the aeolus projects: conductor, aeolus-image-rubygem, and aeolus-cli, and to start up an instance of conductor. While useful to developers, it also provides the capability to quicky test various branches, pull requests, and ruby versions.

Quick Start

As the root user on a host you want to install Aeolus on:

If you want to use system ruby:

# curl https://raw.github.com/aeolus-incubator/dev-tools/master/bootstrap.sh | /bin/sh -x

If you want to use a specific ruby version via rbenv:

# export RBENV_VERSION=1.9.3-p194; curl https://raw.github.com/aeolus-incubator/dev-tools/master/bootstrap.sh | /bin/sh -x

This should work on rhel6, fc16 and fc17 (the script's env variables + oauth.json are pointing to existing imagefactory/iwhd/deltacloud instances).

The default bootstrap.sh behaviour includes creating a development environment for the system user test in the directory /tmp/test and starting up Conductor on port 3000. To override these settings, set the relevant environment variables before running bootstrap.sh, e.g.:

export DEV_USERNAME=myuser
export WORKDIR=/home/myuser/cloud-dev

There are other useful environment variables described further in this document, for example to point to existing deltacloud, image factory and/or image warehouse instances, or to apply a pull request.

bootstrap.sh: Overview and Defaults

boostrap.sh checks out and configures the three aformentioned Aeolus projects, configures conductor (including specifying a local sqlite database) and starts it up. There are a number of environment variables you may wish to define, otherwise they get the following defaults:

The user that owns the git checkouts, and that we use to run bundler, rake and rails commands (ultimately firing up conductor):


Parent dir where the dev-tools puppet code gets checked out to:


Parent dir where the projects conductor, aeolus-cli and aeolus-image-rubygem get checked out to (by default same as above):


Port that Conductor gets started up on:


Which ruby that is used to configure and start up conductor, via rbenv. It is undefined by default, meaning just use system ruby and not rbenv:


URL's to API's that conductor relies on, namely deltacloud, image factory, and image warehouse. A valid oauth.json also must be specified, which contains credentials specific to your Image Factory and Image Warehouse instance.


Git branches that are checked out:


By default no Github pull requests are defined. If you wish to apply a pull request to a given project, the pull request itself must be active and it must be specified as an integer:


The Development Environment

Running bootstrap.sh as root creates a development environment for the system user $DEV_USERNAME which contains the following directory structure:

  conductor/            # git checkout of https://github.com/aeolusproject/conductor
  aeolus-cli/           # git checkout of https://github.com/aeolusproject/aeolus-cli
  aeolus-image-rubygem/ # git checkout of https://github.com/aeolusproject/aeolus-image-rubygem

While bootstrap.sh must be run as root to install needed system dependencies (e.g., libxml2 to build the nokogiri gem), the environment it creates is intended to be used by the non-privileged user, $DEV_USERNAME.

Therefore, once the script completes, you can open up a terminal as the $DEV_USERNAME user, cd into your $WORKDIR and get to work. For instance, you could do:

$ cd $WORKDIR/conductor/src
$ bundle exec rake db:setup
$ bundle exec rake dc:create_admin_user
$ bundle exec rails s

Note that if you are using rbenv (i.e. an $RBENV_VERSION was specified in bootstrap.sh), you will need to specify the same ruby in your terminal. See "Using rbenv" below.


Bundler is used to install needed Gemfile dependencies. For conductor, the --path used for "bundle install" is $WORKDIR/conductor/src/bundle (regardless of whether rbenv is used or not).

Using rbenv (optional)

If $RBENV_VERSION is defined when bootstrap.sh runs (e.g. $RBENV_VERSION=1.9.3-p194), rbenv will be installed (if necessary) to $DEV_USERNAME's home directory, and the specified ruby version will be built and installed therein.

No changes to $DEV_USERNAME's shell are made, intentionally. Rbenv users often update their shell behaviour, for example with:

$ echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
$ echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile
(from http://mifo.sk/rbenv-simple-ruby-managment-in-fedora)

Otherwise, one could also get all of the needed rbenv functionality by prepending /.rbenv/bin:/.rbenv/shims to one's current $PATH. For example:

$ export PATH=~/.rbenv/bin:~/.rbenv/shims:$PATH

With the path set as above, if the user is in a working directory where "rbenv local" was invoked to specify a ruby version (or had been set in one of its parent dirs, recursively), they will pick up that version which can be verified by "rbenv which ruby". What all of this means is that if the user has their path rbenv'ed, they will get the right version of ruby (whether a system or an rbenv version ruby) when they cd anywhere under $FACTER_AEOLUS_WORKDIR.

If you're not yet familiar to rbenv, the following is a quick illustration showing: how to see what ruby versions are available, how to set a global version (though bootstrap.sh does not do this or require it) and to see which version of ruby is currently set.

$ which ruby
$ rbenv which ruby
$ rbenv versions
$ rbenv global 1.9.3-p194
$ rbenv which ruby

The above also works well in an emacs shell. ;-)


bootstrap.sh makes heavy use of the puppet definitions within this repository to create and configure conductor/aeolus-cli/aeolus-image-rubygem. In its current form, puppet (and its ruby dependency) are installed system-wide if needed. Note that even though system ruby may be installed to run puppet, rbenv's ruby (if specified) is used to for all the bundle, rake and rails work.

See Also