.Net core achitecture playground
- 2 kind of view models: list item and detailed
- New base for query request filters
- Different service interface variants (w/o query)
- Interface review for query services
- Translated label handling
- Type of Id should come from template => support of different Id types
- Implement a real feature (Book catalog)
- Host in Azure
- Angular UI
- Store SQL scripts in file system, and view names in a correct place
- Handling stored procedures (queries and midifying operations; find SP query template)
- QueryTypes (SQL and View)
- Background tasks (common job processing)
- CQRS (create readonly context for aggregates)
- Logging: Serilog http://hamidmosalla.com/2018/02/15/asp-net-core-2-logging-with-serilog-and-microsoft-sql-server-sink/
- Structured logging https://stackify.com/what-is-structured-logging-and-why-developers-need-it/
- Create another feature
- Authentication, authorization
- Custom headers
- C# 3.0 upgrade
- file (picture) handling
- add more queries
- QueryExtensions
- Pagination
- Middleware
- Transaction
- Make EventDispatcher work
- Response handling
- Validation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/mvc/models/validation?view=aspnetcore-2.2#rerun-validation