- 1
This project requires the 'VRExpansionPlugin' plugin, which has a missing dependency on the 'Mover' plugin.
#35 opened by give-me-pen - 3
- 3
- 1
Trying to build VRExpansion plugin 5.2 is
#29 opened by KarthikaGopala - 1
- 2
Example plugin vr input suddenly broken across all installs of the example project
#32 opened by give-me-pen - 1
- 5
#21 opened by Santhoshgdes - 8
Mac support
#25 opened by MaxStgs - 8
Built in differnt version?
#19 opened by Droyer0022 - 1
Not an issue, just asking
#17 opened by moseechev - 3
- 1
Develop using this plug-in
#23 opened by xiongbaa - 1
Build Error
#20 opened by Santhoshgdes - 2
Problem to get `UHandSocketComponent` using the `GetHandSocketComponentFromObject`
#18 opened by vahid67 - 1
VRExpPluginExample could not be compiled. Try rebuilding from source manually.
#11 opened by ma4ukasan - 7
- 0
Assertion failed: !blsRendering
#12 opened by HibsStatement - 1
How to disable capsule rotation?
#14 opened by TrueCreators - 2
Unrecognized type 'TObjectPtr' - type must be a UCLASS, USTRUCT or UENUM 93
#16 opened by zockerbube - 3
- 1
UE5-Release: Couldn't find parent type for 'BucketUpdateSubsystem' named 'UTickableWorldSubsystem' in current module (Package: /Script/VRExpansionPlugin) or any other module parsed so far.
#13 opened by DabManTrips - 1
Vulkan Crash on Quest 2
#10 opened by nonlin - 2
undefined symbol: ___aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr1
#9 opened by zmifsx - 3
- 1
Can not build the project
#6 opened by mkygogo - 2
Moving assets to different folder
#3 opened by Tokusei - 8
Ensure condition failed: Scene->GetShadingPath() != EShadingPath::Mobile (Oculus 4.25.4)
#4 opened by Tokusei - 7
crash when setting movement mode to left hand
#5 opened by Tokusei - 1
Switch L/R controller functions (Move/Turn)
#2 opened by Tokusei - 3
Build on Quest linker error:
#1 opened by MichaelJCole