Drupal JMeter Tricks

Author: Erik Webb


Test Site Setup

To setup a simple site for testing these JMeter scripts, use the following Drush commands -

drush site-install --account-name="admin" --account-pass="admin" \
    --site-name="Drupal JMeter Test" standard
drush user-create user --password="user"


  • drupal-jmeter-tricks.jmx: Sample JMeter test script with multiple thread groups to illustrate different techniques. The following scenarios are used as examples -

    1. Drupal Login: Login as a Drupal user, driven by a CSV file.
    2. Select From A List: View a content listing and select a single item at random to view.
    3. Traverse Menu Tree: Visit every page located in the main menu.
    4. Create a Node: Save a new piece of content using hard-coded values.
    5. Visit List of URLs: Visit every URL listed in a CSV file.
  • users.csv: Sample user dictionary file

  • urls.csv: Sample list of URLs to test against


There are a few configuration settings that require specific note here -

  1. XPath query used to detect a Drupal error message -

     //div[contains(concat(' ',normalize-space(@class),' '),' messages ') and contains(concat(' ',normalize-space(@class),' '),' error ')]
  2. Choosing a random item from a JMeter list returned by the XPath Post Processor -

  3. Check if a variable was successfully set -

     "${node_links}".length > 0