Lendesk: Coding Challenge 2018-11-14

EXIF data to CSV extractor.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • ✓ must be executable through the command line
  • ✓ must scan the current directory if no parameters where given
  • ✓ must accept a parameter to specify a directory to scan
  • ✓ good to have an option to switch between CSV and HTML as file output format


$ gem install specific_install
$ gem specific_install git@github.com:more-ron/lendesk-coding-challenge.git

Please make sure you have installed libexif:

$ brew install libexif             # Homebrew
$ sudo apt-get install libexif-dev # APT
$ sudo yum install libexif-devel   # CentOS


Recursively scan the current directory for images, extract GPS data and output to ./gps.csv.

$ extract-exif gps-location

Specify the path to recursively scan for images.

$ extract-exif --path=./images gps-location

Specify output file path.

$ extract-exif --output=./result.csv gps-location

Specify HTML output format.

$ extract-exif --output=./result.html gps-location