
retrieve contact list of email(hotmail, gmail, yahoo, sohu, sina, 163, 126, tom, yeah and 189) amd im(msn)

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


contactlist是一个获取用户的msn和邮箱联系人列表的java类库,支持的邮箱包括hotmail, gmail, yahoo, sohu, sina, 163, 126, tom, yeah, 189和139。

contactlist项目首页和jar包下载在 http://code.google.com/p/contact-list/

contactlist项目源代码在 http://github.com/flyerhzm/contactlist , google code svn不再更新

特别提示: 最近yahoo邮箱需要增加信息才能登录,请确保可以通过Firefox浏览器登录yahoo邮箱。


try {
    ContactsImporter importer = ContactsImporterFactory.getHotmailContacts(username, password);
    List<Contact> contacts = importer.getContacts();
    for (Contact contact : contacts) {
        System.out.println(contact.getUsername() + ": " + contact.getEmail());
} catch (ContactsException ex) {


对于运行在locale为UTF-8环境(如:Ubuntu, Mac OS X)下的程序,无需任何调整。
对于运行在locale为GBK环境(如:Windows XP)下的程序,需要手动调整编码:

try {
    ContactsImporter importer = ContactsImporterFactory.getHotmailContacts(username, password);
    List<Contact> contacts = importer.getContacts();
    for (Contact contact : contacts) {
        String username = new String(contact.getUsername().getBytes("UTF-8"), "GBK");
        System.out.println(username + ": " + contact.getEmail());
} catch (ContactsException ex) {


Project Introduction

contact-list类库依赖包之commons-httpclient — http://www.huangzhimin.com/entries/142-contact-list-library-dependency-of-commons-httpclient
contact-list类库依赖包之msnmlib — http://www.huangzhimin.com/entries/147-contact-list-library-dependency-of-msnmlib
contact-list类库依赖包之json — http://www.huangzhimin.com/entries/158-contact-list-of-the-json-library-dependency


How to run unit test

出于安全的考虑,没有把单元测试中的邮箱配置文件和msn配置文件放到svn上,如果需要运行mvn test的话,可以按以下步骤:

  • 新建src/test/resources/email.properties文件,形式如下:

gmail.username = xxx@gmail.com
gmail.password = yyy

hotmail.username = xxx@hotmail.com
hotmail.password = yyy

livecn.username = xxx@live.cn
livecn.password = yyy

onesixthree.username = xxx@163.com
onesixthree.password = yyy

onetwosix.username = xxx@126.com
onetwosix.password = yyy

sina.username = xxx@sina.com
sina.password = yyy

sohu.username = xxx@sohu.com
sohu.password = yyy

tom.username = xxx@tom.com
tom.password = yyy

yahoo.username = xxx@yahoo.com
yahoo.password = yyy

yahoocn.username = xxx@yahoo.cn
yahoocn.password = yyy

yahoocomcn.username = xxx@yahoo.com.cn
yahoocomcn.password = yyy

yeah.username = xxx@yeah.net
yeah.password = yyy

oneeightnine.username = xxx@189.cn
oneeightnine.password = yyy

onethreenine.username = xxx@139.com
onethreenine.password = yyy
  • 新建src/test/resources/msn.properties文件,形式如下:

username = xxx@live.cn
password = yyy
  • 在命令行执行mvn test

Change Log

  • 1.1:
    First public release
  • 1.2:
    Fix issue that hotmail can only get first page contact list
  • 1.3:
    Fix issue for some special sohu mail account
  • 1.4:
    Fix issue that 163 mail can only get other group contacts
  • 1.5:
    Fix issue that 126 and yeah mail can only get other group contacts
  • 1.6:
    Add 189 and 139 mail support
  • 1.6.1:
    Meet another style 189 mail and add 139 mail importer to ContactsImporterFactory


需要留言的话,可以上 http://www.huangzhimin.com/projects/1-contact-list ,我会尽快回复的
