- Docker 17.05+
- Docker-Compose
The application configuration can be found at
For running the application on Docker using the provided docker-compose, use the default configuration provided.
The following configuration parameters are defined:
The database url, can be overwritten by the environment variable DATABASE_URL.spring.datasource.username
The database username, can be overwritten by the envrionment variable DATABASE_USERNAME.spring.datasource.password
The database password, can be overwritten by th environment variable DATABASE_PASSWORD.spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.dialect
The database dialect, it should be a dialect supported by the user version of MySQL, the default value is org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL8Dialectspring.jpa.show-sql
The flag indicating whether to show the SQL statement generated by hibernate in logs, by default it is set to true, It should be set to false on production, it can be overwritten by the environment variable SHOW_SQL.logging.level.root
The root logging level, default value is 'info', it can be overwritten by the environment variable ROOT_LOGGING_LEVEL.logging.level.com.topcoder.api
The api logging level, default value is 'info', it can be overwritten by the environment variable API_LOGGING_LEVEL.logging.file
The logging file name, default value is server.log and can be overwritten by the environment variable LOG_FILE.logging.file.max-size
The logging file maximim size, default value is 50MB and can be overwritten by the environment variable LOG_FILE_MAX_SIZE.server.port
The port number on which the API will be listening, default value is 8080, it can be overwritten by the environment variable SERVER_PORT.server.servlet.context-path
The API prefix, default value is '/api/v1', it can overwritten by the environment variable API_PREFIX.
In docker-compose.yml, the following environment variables are used:
- DATABASE_NAME: The database name, the default value is 'topcoder'.
- DATABASE_USERNAME: The database username, the default value is 'topcoder'.
- DATABASE_PASSWORD: The database password, the default value is 'Topcoder123'.
- DATABASE_ROOT_PASSWORD: The MySQL root password, the default value is 'Topcoder123'
When running the MySQL db container, a database with the configured name (default to 'topcoder') will be created. A database user and password will also be created using the configured environment variables or default values 'topcoder/Topcoder123'.
- Keep the default provided configuration.
- Navigate to the application root folder (java-mysql) where docker-compose.yml resides and run the following command:
docker-compose up
This will start mysql database and the API containers, the API will be listening on port 8080.
- Start MySQL database using the provided docker-compose.yml by running
docker-compose up mysql-db
- Configure the application as described above by updating src/main/resources/application.properties or by using environment variables.
- If the provided docker-compose.yml is used for starting the database, we only need to update DATABASE_URL value (The database and users table will be created automatically):
export DATABASE_URL="jdbc:mysql://<Docker-IP>:3306/topcoder"
(replace with the IP address of docker machine) - Run the API by executing the following command :
mvn spring-boot:run
Refer to Validation.md