
Floss refactoring details extracted from the repositories of 45 open-source java projects


Floss refactoring details extracted from the repositories of 45 open-source java projects

CSV's Structure

	Number: The number of the refactoring (newest to oldest);
	Commit: Hash of the commit under analysis;
	Parent: Hash of the commit's parent under analysis;
	Refactoring: Refactoring type found in the commit;
	EntityBefore: Signature of the refactored entity before the refactoring operation;
	EntityAfter: Signature of the refactored entity after the refactoring operation;
	FullDescription: RefDiff's synthesized description of the refactoring operation.
Pure Refactoring Filter:
	Commit: Hash of the commit under analysis;
	PureRefactoring: code with the filtering results where...
			-1: Faield to compile all modules from the commit;
			 0: Commit contains behavior change;
			 1: No behavior change found in the commit.

Extra Edits:
	Commit: Hash of the commit under analysis;
	ChangeType: Extra edit type found in the commit;
	ChangedEntity: Entity that was changed;
	EntityType: Type of the changed entity;
	InsideRefactoring: Boolean value idicating whether the edit was applied inside an entity refactored in the same commit;
	rootEntity: Root entity of the changed entity.