This layout was downloaded from Start Bootstrap and the Wordpress theme (with some customizations) was built by Lucas Moreira.
To display all contents correctly, you should create the following pages and its custom fields (in any order).
- Slug: home
- Fields
- Excerpt
- Custom fields
- social_whatever where whatever could be any brand name from FontAwesome.
- Like this: social_facebook, social_github
- social_whatever where whatever could be any brand name from FontAwesome.
- Featured image: your avatar
- Slug: about
- Fields
- Title: the page title
- Editor: the right content
- Excerpt: the left content
- Custom fields:
- button_label
- button_link
- location
- Slug: portfolio
- Fields
- Title: the page title
- Fetaured images size: 350w 253h px
- Fetaured images size: 350w 200h px
- Slug: contact
- Fields
- Title: the page title
- Custom fields:
- button_label
- input_email
- input_name
- input_phone
- textarea_message
- ga_tracking_id (optional). Just the tracking ID like UA-12345678-1