20776A: Performing Big Data Engineering on Microsoft Cloud Services

This folder contains the latest demonstration instructions, lab descriptions, and lab answer keys.

Updates to Visual Studio 2017

Since this course was initially released, some of the Visual Studio 2017 tooling has been updated. It is recommended that you install the latest updates to Visual Studio 2017 on the 20776A-LON-DEV virtual machine before starting the first module. Perform the following steps

  1. Start the 20776A-LON-DEV virtual machines.
  2. Log on to the 20776A-LON-DEV virtual machine as ADATUM\AdatumAdmin with the password Pa55w.rd.
  3. On the Windows Start menu, type Visual Studio Installer, and then press Enter.
  4. In the User Account Control dialog box, click Yes.
  5. In the Please update Visual Studio Installer before proceeding window, click Update.
  6. Wait while the new installer is downloaded and installed. This will take a couple ofminutes.
  7. In the Visual Studio Installer wizard, click Update.
  8. Wait while the updates are downloaded and installed. This can take in excess of 30 minutes, depending on the speed of your Internet connection.
  9. When the Reboot required dialog box appears, click Restart
  10. Wait for the 20776A-LON-DEV virtual machine to restart, and then log on as ADATUM\AdatumAdmin with the password Pa55w.rd.

Updates to labs and demo files

The labs and demo files available on the E: drive on the lab VM are outdated. You should download the latest version of these files from the Allfiles folder in this repository

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