OpenAPI Demo

This is a little demo to show how to share an OpenAPI schema between client and server in a web app.

The server exposes a REST API with CRUD operations on the Todo resource, and the client consumes the auto-generated functions from the same schema used by the server.


You will need node@20 and pnpm installed. Refer to the pnpm docs for installation instructions.

Getting started

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Run pnpm install to install dependencies
  3. Run pnpm dev to start the server and client


The @app/mocks package contains mocked resources and API interceptors for the client and tests, powered by msw.

To enable mocking in development, uncomment the following lines in @app/client/src/main.tsx:

if (import.meta.env.DEV) {
  const { worker } = await import("@app/mocks/browser");
  await worker.start();