Hi, thanks for downloading CLI 2! Some things to know: - The "filesystem" depends on a recent version of PHP, I'm not sure which -- all I can say for sure is that PHP 4.3.11 doesn't work but PHP 5.1 does. - There is a control panel to manage the more obvious settings. - You can add custom commands in the usr/bin directory; they will automatically be incorporated into the theme. *Remember* to use "e()" rather than "echo()" otherwise you will get invisible errors (the Firebug plugin for Firefox will help with debugging). Check out the "hello" command. - You can disable a command by changing its filename to something not of the form "command-{commandname}.inc.php". Add a ".disabled" to the end, for example. Questions/comments/requests for Version 3 (which will _not_ be as soon coming as Version 2 was): email fogus -at- earthvssoup -dot- c o m. Enjoy!