
A Symphony extension that enables tracking of user and system activity

Primary LanguagePHP



A Symphony extension that tracks user and system activity.


  • Tracks creations, updates, and deletes of Entries, Pages, Events, Data Sources, Utilities, and Sections.
  • Tracks frontend submissions via events.
  • Tracks when Preferences are changed.
  • Tracks when Extensions are enabled, disabled, or uninstalled.
  • Tracks login activity and password reset activity.
  • Provides a back-end interface for viewing and managing tracked activities.
  • Provides a data source for accessing Entry-related tracker activity from the front end.


  1. Place the tracker folder in your Symphony extensions directory.
  2. Go to System > Extensions, select "Tracker", choose "Enable" from the with-selected menu, then click Apply.


Managing/Viewing Activities

Activities can be viewed at System > Tracker Activity. It is possible from this page to delete individual activities or to clear all activity in the system.

The view can be filtered with GET params using the normal Symphony back-end filtering syntax:


column can be any of: item_type, item_id, action_type, or user_id. values can be a comma-delimited list of values to filter on. The following values are acceptable:

  • For item_type: a section id, pages, events, datasources, utilities, sections, authors, preferences, extensions, login, or password
  • For action_type: updated, created, deleted, enabled, disabled, uninstalled
  • For user_id: an author id, or 0 for unauthenticated/unknown users.



These query strings can also be used to filter the entries in Tracker's Dashboard panel:


Excluding Activities

Tracker allows you to exclude certain types of activity from being tracked. Go to System > Preferences and, in the "Tracker" section, choose any system elements, sections, or users you'd like to exclude from tracking.

Using Activity Info on the Front End

The included data source, "Tracker Activity" can be attached to Pages and returns all Entry creation/update activity.

Customized Data Sources

Configuration options are available in the data source file, but rather than edit the included version, it's recommended to copy the code into a custom DS of your own:

  • Copy the data.tracker_activity.php file to your workspace/data-sources and rename it to data.your_datasource.php
  • Update the class name (line 6) to datasourceyour_datasource
  • Update the about() method (line 28) to reflect your data source's name and other info
  • Update the sorting and filtering options (lines 10-21) to suit your needs

To Do

  • Enable other extensions to log activities
  • Beef up the filtering; allow an all-sections wildcard

Known Issues

  • Doesn't track page template changes (there's no delegate for that)