
Run services for local development with Nix, inspired by docker-compose

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Nix Compose

Nix compose is modeled afer docker-compose; it can be used set up an isolated enviornment that is not exactly like a production environment, but close enough to faciliate easy development.

It's goal is to have the same smooth experience offered by docker-compose, by deploying NixOS configurations to ephemeral KVM-machines.

In contrast to docker-compose, nix-compose:

  • Ships with a set of pre-build services to quickly get started with the important part -- your service
  • And enables you to leverage nix-shell to have a reproducible environment


Given a compose.nix file:

{ compositions }:
  version = "1.0";
  services = {
    database = compositions.postgresDB {};
    cache = compositions.redis {};
    api = self :{
      system = import ./api.nix;
      ports = [ { host =  8080; service = 80; }];

You can perform the following steps:

  • Start up all services, great to demo an application.:

    nix-compose up
  • Just start the database & cache, so that you can use it from a shell.

    nix-compose up database cache
  • Enter a virtualized development shell; handy for e.g. MacOS users.

    nix-compose shell

    This will start a KVM machine and:

    • Take your shell.nix to make the development dependencies available
    • Mount the current directory R/W in the machine.
