tinystats suite - v1.1 ====================== 1. compile the program: make if you have tinydns installed with IPv6 patch compile tinystats with: make -DWITH_IPV6 2. install the program: make install 3. edit your tinydns/log/run file like tinydns.log.run.sample file (remember to create tinystats output dir and chown to Gdnslog) 4. restart tinydns log (svc -t .../tinydns/log) after a query, in stats there is a file, called tinystats.out, in this file you find this: 474:0:0:0:6:0:4:0:0:0:0:73:0:0:557:0:0:0:0:0 a:ns:cname:soa:ptr:hinfo:mx:txt:rp:sig:key:aaaa:axfr:any:total:other:notauth:notimpl:badclass:noquery the second line is like a legend of the first 5. create tinydns.conf (see variable in the top of tinydns.sh.sample), rename tinydns.sh.sample to tinydns.sh and run it on your crontab (every 5 minute is ok) 6. if you want a "humar readable" tinydns log output, you can add -h option before the stats dir! With this option the log look like this: 01896 [23391] + PTR 50728 [14731] + MX home.morettoni.local 46493 [18677] + MX home.morettoni.local 7. if you use tinydns as a slave of BIND (or other software) master you can set -s option, followed by a path to a external program (or shell script). When tinydns receive a notify about zone change from master it log a line with I and SOA (006) value; your external program fetch (with tcpclient and axfr-get) the new zone and put into your local data file. See update_slave.sh.sample file for an example, it need a configurazion file (tinydns/root/allow) with a list of zone and IP of the master server, one per line, like this: zoneA.tld:MASTER_IP zoneB.tld:ANOTHER_MASTER_IP Another example is Makefile.example that replace original Makefile inside tinydns/root directory; it merge all download data file and compile it for tinydns use. The external program is run with two argument: master IP address and name of the zone. Check ZONEDIR variable in the example script if you want to save master zone file in other directory than tinydns/root. -- Report me any bugs or suggestions! Luca Morettoni <luca@morettoni.net>