
Betting System

Primary LanguageElixir


To run database

  • Run docker network create value8-network
  • Run docker-compose up -d

To start your Phoenix server:

  • Run mix setup to install and setup dependencies
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server or inside IEx with iex -S mix phx.server
  • Sign up with invitation code 'VALUEA' to login as admin

Now you can visit localhost:4001 from your browser.

Tables & schemas

  • journal (id, user_id, particulars, debit, credit) = [deposit, withdrawal, winning, losing]
  • users (id, username, msisdn, email, password_hash)
  • sports (id, name, logo_url, description)
  • event_status (id, name(upcoming, live, completed))
  • teams (id, sport_id, team_name, logo_url)
  • events (id, event_status_id, sport_id, occurs_on, location)
  • teams_events(team_id, event_id)
  • odds (id, event_id, win (float), draw(float), loss(float))
  • bet type (id, name) ( win, lose, draw)
  • bet states (id, name) (pending, won, lost)
  • bets (id, user_id, event_id, bet_type_id, bet_status_id, bet_amount, odds (float: odds for the bet))
  • emails (id, user_id, subject, content)
  • users emails (id, user_id, email_id)
  • users token (id, user_id, token, context, sent_to)


  • Users and Bets: One-to-Many relationship. A user can place multiple bets.
  • Events and Bets: One-to-Many relationship. An event can have multiple bets placed on it.
  • Users and Journals: One-to-Many relationship. A user can have multiple transactions (deposits, withdrawals, winnings, losses).
  • Events and Teams: Many-to-Many relationship. An event can have multiple teams, and a team can participate in multiple events.