
Scrapes names from LinkedIn companies and creates a list of email addresses from them.

Primary LanguagePython


Scrapes names from LinkedIn companies and creates a list of email addresses from them. Email addresses will be output to emails.txt

How to use

Usage: python harvest.py COMPANY_ID DOMAIN COOKIE_FILE

Example: python harvest.py 207880 praetorian.com cookie.txt

-f abbreviate first name
-l abbreviate last name
-s swap order of first and last name

  1. The company ID will be the value you see when you browse to the company's employees in LinkedIn, example shown below:

First, click here on the company page to see the employees:

alt text

Then, the company ID will be displayed in the URL

alt text

  1. The domain will be the domain you would like the generated email addresses to have.

  2. There are two cookies that matter for LinkedIn requests. One is a csrf token, and one is a session identifier. The csrf token cookie is called "JSESSIONID" and will have a value similar to the following: "ajax:239842398432". The session identifier cookie is called "li_at" and will have a long string value. Prior to running harvest.py, log into LinkedIn and use a cookie manager to grab these two cookies. Then, place these two cookie values in a text file in the following format:

alt text

Keep in mind there should be a newline after both cookie values!