
Display your Coderbits profile data using a widget or a shortcode.

Primary LanguagePHP

Coderbits Profiler Clone in Koding

Display your Coderbits profile data using a widget or a shortcode.

This plugin is using the provided Coderbits API that can be accesed here.

To use the shortcode functionality just call [coderbits-profiler data="TYPE_OF_DATA"] in a page or post.

Types of data:

name title bio location website_link views rank gravatar_hash badges_count follower_count following_count top_skills top_languages top_environments top_frameworks top_tools top_interests top_traits top_areas badges accounts


  1. Place the coderbits-profiler folder in your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Give the cache folder write permissions. Usually chmod(777).
  3. Activate the Coderbits Profiler plugin.
  4. Visit Settings and adjust your configuration.
  5. Add the Coderbits Profiler widget to your website.
  6. (Optional) Add the Coderbits Profiler shortcode [coderbits-profiler data="TYPE_OF_DATA"] to a page or post
  7. View your site.
  8. Adjust the CSS of your theme as needed, to make everything pretty.


Contributors: Stefan Cosma

Tags: coderbits,json,data,aggregate,widget

Requires at least: 3.3

Tested up to: 3.6.1

Stable tag: 1.2.2

License: GPLv2 or later

License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html