
This is a collection of potential and proven fundamental bias existing in our universe

Universe fundamental biases collection

This is a collection of potential or proven fundamental bias existing in our universe.

Every biases is coming from a field of science. I currently store every one of them as an issue in this repository. Resources and discussions are naturally tied to them this way, I'm trying to leverage Git and Github in this quest.

Some neutral definitions

I'm using definition which do not contains implied meanings

  • Universe: all of space and time and their contents, including all forms of matter and energy.
  • Fundamental: a central or primary rule or principle on which something is based.
  • Bias: an inclination towards something

This means that we are looking for Primary inclinations that allows the emergence of all space, time and their contents, including all forms of matter and energy (including life) This is what I will call nature because it allows me to define clearly what is to be "against nature": it means you are doing something against those primary inclinations.


The idea is simple, it goes like this:

It start with the Anthropic principle which postulate that our universe emerges from biases that especially allows for life to exist. If that's indeed true, then our human existence is the results of fundamental biases of the universe working through million of years!

I feel like it would be unwise to ignore them to live our human life, I would even suggest that they provide insightful fundamental guidance to live a happy life.

Based on this observation, I decided to collect all possible fundamental bias of our universe. Some of them are proven thanks to science, some of them are just supposition made by science and yet to be proven.

The end goal is to provide an exhaustive accessible view of the core principles of our universe.

I know a fundamental bias! Can I add it to the list?

Of course, be my guest and create an issue for your bias so we can start a discussion. Please, don't forget to link some scientific resources and the tag bias to it!