
A bash script to install Ruby, Rails, and RubyGems in Debian based systems.

Primary LanguageShell

Ruby, RubyGems, RoR, Node.js, NPM, and Yeoman installer

Intended for Debian based systems only (Ubuntu, Mint, etc)

This script installs Ruby, Rails, and Rubygems using the following mechanisms:

  1. Downloads all the dependencies using apt-get.
  2. Downloads and installs rbenv and the ruby-build plugin to $HOME/.rbenv.
  3. Updates $PATH to include .rbenv/bin, .gems/bin, .rbenv/shims, and . (current directory)
  4. Installs Ruby "2.0.0-p194" using the ruby-build to $HOME/.rbenv/versions
  5. Installs latest RubyGems
  6. Configures a .gemrc that disables all documentation.
  7. Installs Ruby gems: rails heroku foreman spork guard-spork guard bundle.
  8. Installs latest Node.js
  9. Installs latest NPM
  10. Installs Node gems: yo, compass, grunt-cli, bower, angular.

To install this, copy/paste into a terminal:

git clone https://github.com/morganhein/Dev-Setup.git && chmod +x Dev-Setup/DevSetup.sh && ./Dev-Setup/DevSetup.sh