
working with : http://planet.osm.org/replication/day/000/000/

git clone https://github.com/Rub21/osm-progress-visualization.git

npm install

Boundary File

We use Qgis for conver SHPFile to Geojson, or is possible to use GDAL

Process The Files

  • Process in block:

./process-files 705 716 dc.gejson

Where: min-file=500( 25-Jan-2014) max-file=717( 30-Aug-2014)


./stitch -o dc.png -- 38.80654039080489 -77.12539672851561 39.00050945751261 -76.90567016601562 13 http://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png


./stitch -o nyc-new.png -- 38.80654039080489 -77.12539672851561 39.00050945751261 -76.90567016601562 13 http://a.tiles.mapbox.com/v4/openstreetmap.map-inh7ifmo/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=pk.eyJ1Ijoib3BlbnN0cmVldG1hcCIsImEiOiJhNVlHd29ZIn0.ti6wATGDWOmCnCYen-Ip7Q

Setting on Tilemill

38.80654039080489 -77.12539672851561 39.00050945751261 -76.90567016601562 screenshot from 2014-09-01 19 49 53

Create config file for Projectmill

python make-config.py

Create GIF Animation

  • Procesamos los archivos .png

mogrify -format gif *.png

  • Creamos el Gif

gifsicle --loop=0 --colors=255 *.gif > dc.gif

  • Ponemos un pause al final de 5 segundos

el siguiente comando no trabaja en sistema de 64bits, trabaja en uns sistema de 32bits.

gifsicle dc.gif -d500 "#-1"

  • Cambiamos de tamano

gifsicle dc.gif --colors=255 | gifsicle --unoptimize | gifsicle --resize-fit-width 500 -O2 > dc-half.gif

  • Si en caso de que se quiere extraer otros frames como gif.

gifsicle --colors=255 --unoptimize --explode dc.gif to explode the gif into a gif per frames