Simple SDK for interacting with boot2docker from Python.
Boot2Docker has a perfectly reasonable command line interface, but doesn't seem to have an up to date SDK in Python. This just uses subprocess to call the relevant commands using a somewhat 'fluent' API. It's by no means complete, but caters for (I'd imagine) the majority of cases, of setting up a Boot2Docker environment in VirtualBox, and interacting with the environment using Docker. DockerMachine in this case was installed through Chocolatey.
Metabase Docker Image with persistent storage
Here's an example to start up the Metabase docker image with a shared folder and Symlinks:
import boot2docker.client as b2d
import getpass
HOST_SHARE_FOLDER = r"C:\Users\{}\share\metabase".format(getpass.getuser())
dm = b2d.DockerMachine("metabase", b2d.VirtualBoxDriverCommands())
client = dm.create_local_env(HOST_SHARE_FOLDER).get_docker_client()
client.get_image("metabase/metabase").run(volume=("/Users", "/tmp"), env=["MB_DB_FILE=/tmp/metabase.db"],
port_map=(3000, 3000),