
Basic Reddit clone made in Angular.js

Primary LanguageHTML



All post data should only be stored in a controller or service. A page refresh will clear all added posts. You do not have to make any ajax requests or actually contact the reddit API. Requirements:

Each post has a title, author, image, and description. Each post's date/time is displayed nicely: "Yesterday at 3:09pm", "Last Thursday at 4:42am", etc. You will need an external library. Watch the video for more details. A user can upvote/downvote posts Posts dynamically reorder according to number of votes A user can create new posts A user cannot create a new post if any of the 4 inputs are blank. Research angular validations. See the video for an example implementation. A user can click to view existing comments on a specific post The number of comments is correctly pluralized A user can add a new comment to a specific post The new post form and comment forms can be toggled on and off A user can search through posts A user can sort posts by votes, date, and title. Animate posts as they are added and removed from the search results. Research Angular animations.See the video for an example implementation. Hint for animations: http://plnkr.co/edit/qrQwv1?p=preview https://divshot.com/blog/tips-and-tricks/angular-1-2-and-animate-css/ http://odetocode.com/blogs/scott/archive/2014/02/25/easy-animations-for-angularjs-with-animate-css.aspx Style the app. It should look better than my implementation. Bonus Features

A user can choose to sort ascending or descending A user can favorite posts and view all favorites in a separate tab A user can upload an image (no backend involved)