Some vim terminal integration
to be described
- Pathogen
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vim-termitr
- Vundle
- Add
Bundle 'morhetz/vim-termitr'
to your .vimrc and run:BundleInstall
- Add
- NeoBundle
- Add
NeoBundle 'morhetz/vim-termitr'
to your .vimrc and run:NeoBundleInstall
- Add
- vim-plug
- Add
Plug 'morhetz/vim-termitr'
to your .vimrc and run:PlugInstall
- Add
Check for gnome-256color terminfo to be installed. Install it on Deb with:
> sudo apt-get install ncurses-term
Build local terminfos
> tic termitr.terminfo
at .bashrc//.zshrc//.profile
source "$HOME/.vim/bundle/vim-termitr/"
where $HOME/.vim/bundle/
is your preferred plugin manager bundles installation path
Put these lines to the .tmux.conf
set-option -g default-terminal screen-256color-bce
urxvt with some patches -> point to repo with patchset
FocusLost//FocusGained events with urxvt