
Kotlin Multiplatform Libraries. Welcome PR if you find or create new Kotlin Multiplatform Library.

Kotlin Multiplatform Libraries




  • Ktor - Framework for quickly creating connected applications in Kotlin with minimal effort
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  • ktor-client-oauth-feature - Ktor Client Feature for handling OAuth token refreshes
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  • kmp-tor - Embed Tor into your application.
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  • Ktorfit - HTTP client / Kotlin Symbol Processor for Kotlin Multiplatform (Js, Jvm, Android, Native, iOS) using KSP and Ktor clients inspired by Retrofit
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  • fuel - The easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin backed by Kotlinx Coroutines.
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  • apollo - Multiplatform official GraphQL client.
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  • suparnatural-graphql - Strict type safe GraphQL client with support for composable links.
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  • kgql - GraphQL Document wrapper generator for Kotlin Multiplatform Project and Android

Real-time communication


  • apollo -JSON-RPC Kotlin Multiplatform client.
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  • krossbow - A Kotlin multiplatform coroutine-based STOMP client over websockets
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  • Connectivity status - Monitor the internet connection status of your device on Android and iOS.
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  • cognito-idp - Lightweight AWS Cognito Identity Provider client for Kotlin Multiplatform projects.
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  • Store - A Kotlin Multiplatform library for building network-resilient applications.
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  • kotlinx.serialization (official) - Kotlin multiplatform / multi-format serialization
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  • YAKL - A YAML 1.2 processor
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  • KoAP - CoAP encoder/decoder with support for UDP (RFC 7252), TCP (RFC 8323) and Observe (RFC 7641).
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  • Pbandk - Kotlin code generator and runtime for Protocol Buffers
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  • Kase64 - Base64 encoder/decoder for Kotlin/Multiplatform. Supports standard and URL-safe encodings.
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  • Kex - Hex string encoder/decoder for Kotlin/Multiplatform.
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  • Ktoml - MPP serialization library (decoder/encoder) for TOML format.
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  • encoding - Rfc 4648 Section 4-8 compliant encoding (Base 16, 32 Crockford, 32 Default, 32 Hex, 64 Default, 64 Url Safe).
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  • parcelize - Implement Android Parcelable from common code.
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  • SQLDelight - Generates typesafe Kotlin APIs from SQL.
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  • SQLiter - Minimal multiplatform sqlite library
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  • Door - Room for Kotlin Multiplatform.
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  • Realm - Kotlin Multiplatform and Android SDK for the Realm Mobile Database: Build Better Apps Faster.
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  • Kodein-DB - Embedded NoSQL database
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  • multiplatform-settings - A Kotlin Multiplatform library for saving simple key-value data.
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  • KVault - Secure key-value storage for Kotlin Multiplatform projects.
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  • Kissme - Kissme: Kotlin Secure Storage Multiplatform
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  • Multiplatform-Preferences - Kotlin Multi Platform Preferences, for android an ios : SharedPreferences & NSUserDefault.
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  • kds - Multiplatform coroutine-based kotlin library for saving Serializables with kotlinx.serialization and delegates.
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  • Kottage - Kotlin Multiplatform Key-Value Store Local Cache Storage for Single Source of Truth.
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  • okio - A modern I/O library for Android, Java, and Kotlin Multiplatform.
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  • suparnatural-fs - Kotlin Multi Platform File System access library for iOS and Android.
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  • suparnatural-cache - A superfast, thread safe in-memory cache with configurable hashing schemes backed by persistent stores with blocking/non-blocking I/O.
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  • KStore - A tiny Kotlin multiplatform library that assists in saving and restoring objects to and from disk using kotlinx.coroutines, kotlinx.serialisation and okio.
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  • Kodein-DI - Painless Kotlin Dependency Injection
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  • Koin - A pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin
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  • PopKorn - Forget about modules and components. DI can be simple.
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  • korim - Kotlin cORoutines IMaging, Bitmap and Vector graphics for Multiplatform Kotlin
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  • korau - Pure Kotlin WAV, MP3 and OGG vorbis decoders
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  • Blue-Falcon - A Bluetooth kotlin multiplatform "Cross-Platform" library for iOS and Android
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  • Kable - Simple Coroutines-powered API for interacting with Bluetooth Low Energy devices.
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  • Reaktive - Kotlin multi-platform implementation of Reactive Extensions
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  • RxCommon - Multiplatform implementation of ReactiveX providing a common way to build one set of business logic for native, iOS, Javascript, Android, JVM, and other platforms
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  • coroutine (official) - Support for Kotlin coroutine.
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  • suparnatural-concurrency - Unified APIs such as Workers, Schedulers for cross-platform multithreading on iOS and Android.
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  • Koru - Coroutine wrappers for Kotlin Native generated from annotations.
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  • KMP-NativeCoroutines - Library to use Kotlin Coroutines from Swift code in KMP apps.
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  • FlowExt - Kotlinx Coroutines Flow Extensions. Extensions to the Kotlin Flow library.
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Date, Time

  • kotlinx-datetime - Official date and time library
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  • klock - Multiplatform Date and time library for Kotlin
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  • island-time - A Kotlin Multiplatform library for working with dates and times
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  • time - Type-safe time calculations in Kotlin, on any platform
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  • time - Type-safe time periods for the Kotlinx-datetime multiplatform date/time library
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  • fluid-time - Kotlin multiplatform date & time library
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  • kcron - Kotlin multiplatform Cron library
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Semantic Versioning

  • SemVer-KMP - A Kotlin library for Semantic Versioning with ranges and other features.
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  • kotlin-semver - Semantic Versioning library for Kotlin Multiplatform.
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  • Multiplatform-Bus - Kotlin event-bus compatible with Android & native iOS.
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  • Event4k - MultiPlatform Kotlin EventBus library - simple, bidirectional, concurrent.
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  • kotlinx-murmurhash - Multiplatform library for MurmurHash, a non-cryptographic hash function for general hash-based lookup focused on simplicity and performance.
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  • krypt - Cryptography library. Support for SecureRandom, Hash(MD5/SHA1/SHA256), AES.
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  • kotlin-multiplatform-libsodium - A Kotlin Multiplatform wrapper for Libsodium cryptography library.
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String Utils

  • FuzzyWuzzy-Kotlin - Fuzzy string matching on collections. Port of python & java library.

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  • kasechange - Multiplatform Kotlin library to convert strings between various case formats including Camel Case, Snake Case, Pascal Case and Kebab Case.
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  • kotlin-multiplatform-diff - Multiplatform Kotlin library for calculating text differences.
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  • doistx-normalize -- Kotlin Multiplatform library for string unicode normalization (UAX #15).
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  • keyboard-mouse-kt - Multiplatform Kotlin library for interacting with global keyboard and mouse events and states.
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  • AtomicFu - The idiomatic way to use atomic operations in Kotlin
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  • uuid - Kotlin Multiplatform UUID
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  • Stately - The library is set of multithreaded collection classes that will allow multithreaded mutation in Kotlin/Native.
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  • coroutineworker - Kotlin Coroutine-based workers for native
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  • Measured - Intuitive, type-safe units of measure.
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  • Kotlin utilities - Scala utility types: Option, Either, Try for Kotlin Multiplatform.
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  • kotlin-result - A multiplatform Result monad for modelling success or failure operations.
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  • Résultat - A fork of Kotlin Result with a loading state.
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  • value-clazz - Functionally equivalent to a Kotlin value class that implements an interface, but inheritance based and compiles to platform code.
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  • Napier - Logging library for Kotlin Multiplatform.
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  • KmLogging - High performance, composable multiplatform logging.
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  • klogger - Logging library for Kotlin Multiplatform.
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  • Multiplatform-Log - Logging library for Kotlin Multiplatform.
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  • Kermit - Kotlin Multiplatform logging utility with composable log outputs and prebuilt loggers.
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  • Log4k - Logging library for Kotlin Multiplatform.
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  • Cabret-Log - Method call logging for Kotlin Multiplatform
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  • KmmAnkoLogger - fork of the AnkoLogger for use it with Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile
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  • Atrium - A multiplatform assertion library for Kotlin.
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  • konform - Portable validations.
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  • kotest-assertions - Multiplatform assertions and test utilities.
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  • kotest-framework - Multiplatform test framework for Kotlin.
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  • mockk - Mocking library for test.
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  • Mockative - Mocking for Kotlin/Native and Kotlin Multiplatform using the Kotlin Symbol Processing API (KSP)
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  • MocKMP - A Kotlin/Multiplatform Kotlin Symbol Processor that generates Mocks & Fakes.
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  • kotlinx-resources - Multiplatform library for reading resources in tests.
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Annotation Processor

  • MpApt - Kotlin Native/JS/JVM Annotation Processor library
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  • kotlin-native-suspend-function-callback - Kotlin Multiplatform compiler plugin to generate a callback implementation for suspended functions so they are visible from Kotlin Native
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  • moko-widgets - Declarative UI and screens management in common code for mobile (android & ios) Kotlin Multiplatform development
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  • kgl - This library provides a thin OOP wrapper with DSLs to make programming with vulkan easier.
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  • kotlin-libui - Kotlin/Native interop to libui: a portable GUI library
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  • kotlin-material-ui - Kotlin Wrapper Library of Material-UI

  • muirwik - Kotlin Wrapper Library of Material-UI

  • compose-macos-theme - Multiplatform MacOS theme written in Compose UI
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  • componentbox - A Kotlin multiplatform library for building dynamic server-driven UI
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  • kontrol - A Kotlin Multiplatform library for creating a debugging menu
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Command Line Interface

  • Clikt - Multiplatform command line interface parsing for Kotlin
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  • Command_Parser - Multiplatform command parser using kotlinx.coroutines
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  • Mordant - Multiplatform text styling for Kotlin command-line applications
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  • Firebase Kotlin SDK - Firebase SDK for Kotlin Multiplatform projects (Firebase Authentication, Realtime Database, Cloud Firestore, Cloud Functions, Cloud Messaging and Cloud Storage).
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  • kompass - Kotlin Multiplatform Router for Android and iOS

  • Decompose - Kotlin Multiplatform lifecycle-aware business logic components (aka BLoCs) with routing functionality and pluggable UI (Jetpack Compose, SwiftUI, JS React, etc.), inspired by Badoos RIBs fork of the Uber RIBs framework.
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  • oolong - MVU for Kotlin Multiplatform

  • moko-mvvm - MVVM architecture components for mobile multiplatform with LiveData (iOS and Android)
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  • MVIKotlin - MVI framework for Kotlin Multiplatform.
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  • Orbit MVI - MVI framework for Kotlin Multiplatform.
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  • ReduxKotlin - Redux implementation for Kotlin (supports multiplatform JVM, native, JS, WASM)
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  • ReKamp - Port of ReKotlin to Kotlin Multiplatform, which corresponds to ReKotlin/1.0.4.
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  • Kaskade - Simplifying UI state management in Kotlin Multiplatform.
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  • Flywheel - A simple and predictable state management library inspired by Redux and a few more. Fully built on top of coroutines using the concept of actors.
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  • Premo — Presentation Model (aka View Model) and Navigation. Focus on writing logic instead of solving common and boring UI related issues: lifecycle, persistence, navigation, etc.
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  • multiplatform-viewmodel — Shared ViewModel in Kotlin Multiplatform
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  • Direkt - Kotlin Multiplatform Router for Android, iOS, Js
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  • compose_bloc - State Management and Navigation Library for Jetpack Compose and Compose Multiplatform.
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  • Ballast - Opinionated Application State Management framework for Kotlin Multiplatform

  • Kotlin Bloc - A simple, predictable and composable UI framework for Kotlin Multiplatform
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  • kmp-viewmodel - Shared ViewModel in Kotlin Multiplatform - A Kotlin Multiplatform library that provides shared MVVM for UI applications. Components are lifecycle-aware on Android.
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Project templates

  • moko-template - Template project of a Mobile (Android & iOS) Kotlin MultiPlatform project with the MOKO libraries and modularized architecture
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  • KMMT - KMMT is a Multi-Module KMM based project template designed to simplify the KMM development. It uses a simplified approach that can be shared both in android and iOS easily. This template include network module, persistence module, resource module, analytics module ( with ios native library integration), domain module, presenter module etc.
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Build & Development Tools

Artificial Intelligence

Symbolic AI

  • 2P-Kt - A Kotlin-based, multi-platform, open ecosystem for symbolic artificial intelligence (AI) and logic programming (LP), currently supporting many facilities for LP and a full-fledged, extensible, ISO-standard Prolog solver.
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  • tgbotapi - Strongly-typed API wrapper for Telegram Bot API with fully covered API and a lot of additional DSLs on top of base API.

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