This is an example using Kotlin Multiplatform and Jetpack Compose.
It lists the github repositories of a specified user.
- Jetpack Compose, Kotlin Multiplatform(Android)iOS
- SwiftUI, Kotlin Multiplatform(Native)Web
- Compose for Web, Kotlin Multiplatform(JS)Desktop
- Compose for Desktop, Kotlin Multiplatform(JVM)
- Android entry pointios
- iOS entry point and UI:desktop
- Desktop entry point:web
- Web entry point and UI:common:share
- Common logics for all platforms:common:compose-util
- Utilities of Compose for android, desktop and web:common:compose-ui
- UI for android and desktop
- MVVM Architecture with Kotlin Coroutines Flow
./gradlew installDebug
Open and build the Xcode project located in ios
./gradlew :desktop:run
./gradlew :web:jsBrowserRun