
Find the caches as fast as possible

Primary LanguageQML

 How to add the googlemaps plugin in QT6 :  
    Add project googlemaps in QtCreator 
     git clone https://github.com/vladest/googlemaps.git
     edit googlemaps using the attached googlemapsOffline.diff file. 
     open project googlemaps         
    Build project googlemaps for all configurations in QtCreator  
    with linux:  Drop the libqtgeoservices_googlemaps.so file in Qt / 6.5.0 / gcc_64 / plugins / geoservices 
                 Drop the the files libplugins_geoservices_qtgeoservices_googlemaps_armeabi-v8a_armeabi-v8a.so and libplugins_geoservices_qtgeoservices_googlemaps_armeabi-v7a_armeabi-v7a.so in Qt / 6.5.0 / android / plugins / geoservices.