
Go automation for managing orgs, spaces that can be driven from concourse pipeline and Git managed metadata

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Cloud Foundry Management (cf-mgmt)

Go automation for managing orgs, spaces, users (from ldap groups or internal store) mapping to roles, quotas, application security groups and private-domains that can be driven from concourse pipeline and GIT managed metadata

New Major Release Information

There has been major refactoring to internals of cf-mgmt to remove duplicate code that is not supported by go-cfclient library. This release SHOULD be backward compatible but wanting to make community aware of a major change. This will be released as the latest tag on dockerhub. If you experience any problems you can revert your cf-mgmt to use the previously released version with tag 0.0.91.

This can be done by modifying you cf-mgmt.yml concourse task with the following:

platform: linux

  type: docker-image
  source: {repository: pivotalservices/cf-mgmt, tag: "0.0.91"}

  - name: config-repo

  path: config-repo/ci/tasks/cf-mgmt.sh

Getting Started


Compiled releases are available on Github. Download the binary for your platform and place it somewhere on your path. Don't forget to chmod +x the file on Linux and macOS.

Create UAA Client

cf-mgmt needs a uaa client to be able to interact with cloud controller and uaa for create, updating, deleting, and listing entities.

uaac target uaa.<your system domain>
uaac token client get admin -s <your uaa admin client secret>
uaac client add cf-mgmt \
  --name cf-mgmt \
  --secret <client secret from cf-mgmt client> \
  --authorized_grant_types client_credentials,refresh_token \
  --authorities cloud_controller.admin,scim.read,scim.write,routing.router_groups.read

Setup Configuration

Navigate into a directory in which will become your git repository for cf-mgmt configuration

  1. Initialize git repository by either cloning a remote or using git init

  2. You can either setup your configuration by using

  • init command from cf-mgmt-config if you are wanting to start with a blank configuration and add the config using cf-mgmt-config operations
  • export-config command from cf-mgmt if you have an existing foundation you can use this to reverse engineer your configuration.
  1. (optional) Configure LDAP/SAML Options. If your foundation uses LDAP and/or SAML, you will need to configure ldap.yml with the correct values.

  2. Generate the concourse pipeline using cf-mgmt-config

  3. Make sure you .gitingore the vars.yml file that is generated echo vars.yml >> .gitignore

  4. Commit and push your changes to your git repository

  5. fly your pipeline after you have filled in vars.yml



cf-mgmt is a community supported cloud foundry add-on. Opening issues for questions, feature requests and/or bugs is the best path to getting "support". We strive to be active in keeping this tool working and meeting your needs in a timely fashion.


Compiled releases are available on Github. Download the binary for your platform and place it somewhere on your path. Don't forget to chmod +x the file on Linux and macOS.

Alternatively, you may wish to build from source.

Build from the source

cf-mgmt is written in Go. To build the binary yourself, follow these steps:

  • Install Go.
  • Install Glide, a dependency management tool for Go.
  • Clone the repo:
    • mkdir -p $(go env GOPATH)/src/github.com/pivotalservices
    • cd $(go env GOPATH)/src/github.com/pivotalservices
    • git clone git@github.com:pivotalservices/cf-mgmt.git
  • Install dependencies:
    • cd cf-mgmt
    • glide install
    • go build -o cf-mgmt cmd/cf-mgmt/main.go
    • go build -o cf-mgmt-config cmd/cf-mgmt-config/main.go

To cross compile, set the $GOOS and $GOARCH environment variables. For example: GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build.


To run the unit tests, use go test $(glide nv).

Integration tests

There are integration tests that require some additional configuration.

The LDAP tests require an LDAP server, which can be started with Docker:

docker pull cwashburn/ldap
docker run -d -p 389:389 --name ldap -t cwashburn/ldap
RUN_LDAP_TESTS=true go test ./ldap_integration/...

The remaining integration tests require PCF Dev to be running and the CF CLI to be installed.

cf dev start
uaac target uaa.local.pcfdev.io
uaac token client get admin -s admin-client-secret
uaac client add cf-mgmt \
  --name cf-mgmt \
  --secret cf-mgmt-secret \
  --authorized_grant_types client_credentials,refresh_token \
  --authorities cloud_controller.admin,scim.read,scim.write,routing.router_groups.read
RUN_INTEGRATION_TESTS=true go test ./integration/...

Code Generation

Some portions of this code are autogenerated. To regenerate them, install the prerequisites:

  • go get -u github.com/jteeuwen/go-bindata/...
  • go get -u github.com/maxbrunsfeld/counterfeiter

And then run go generate $(glide nv) from the project directory, or go generate . from a specific directory.


PRs are always welcome or open issues if you are experiencing an issue and will do my best to address issues in timely fashion.


  • See here for documentation on all the available commands for running cf-mgmt
  • See here for documentation on all the configuration documentation and commands